Monday, 12 November 2018

3 Things to do to Raise Your Orgasmic Energy

A Woman's Body is the mystery and wisdom of the feminine.

It is the temple, the treasure house of the divine.
There is nothing so complex nor nothing so subtle as the body.
As a single atom contains all the secrets of the matter, the body contains all the secrets of the universe.
Do these words above feel a little too far off the mark for you ?
Do they make you think “well that is alright for some, I just don't have time to be that in touch with my body ?

I get it.
With all the possibilities to be a wild woman in touch with her sexuality sometimes it can just feel overwhelming and too out there with not enough time to be with one self.
When I started on this journey of self empowerment through my pleasure I was sure I would have to foster out my child, find a patron to cover my living expenses and move to the jungle cutting myself off from all civilization just to find time to find my sexy self.

But alas.
I did not.

Here are 3 simple practices that you can do nearly every day or at least every 3 days to feel more and more in touch with your depths as a feminine woman and fall deeper and deeper into the secrets of your universe .

  1. Pussy to Heart Connection.

This is beautiful to do before you even get out of bed in the morning.
Place one hand on your heart and the other on your pussy. You could choose to have your hand over your underwear or under your underwear touching your beautiful pussy directly.

In your minds eye visualize a stream of golden or white light connecting the two.
With each breath in, imagine the breath traveling from your pussy up to your heart following this stream of golden or white light.
As you breathe out this light is going out to the world around you. From your pussy, through your heart to the world around you.

Do this as many times as you like.

To add to the potency of this breath, squeeze your perineum muscle ( the one that you squeeze when you are stopping urine flow ) as you breathe in.
Let the muscle go when you breathe out.

  1. Strengthen Your Vaginal Muscles Whilst in the Shower.

This is best done with a Crystal Yoni Egg. But if you don't have one you can use your fingers.

Kim Anami is well known for her prowess in the Vaginal Weight Lifting department with photos of her lifting items such as surfboards on Bondi Beach Australia, and coconuts n Bali.
But there is another way you can start to strengthen the internal muscles of your Vagina without using weights.

Simply string dental floss through your drilled Yoni Crystal Egg with enough length in the floss to hang down between your legs.
Once in the shower squat to insert your egg.
Once inside squeeze your egg with your vaginal muscles as you tug strongly on the floss string as if you were trying to pull the egg out.
Squeeze and tug, then rest, squeeze and tug, then rest.
The idea is to strengthen your muscles creating resistance to the egg being pulled out.
You can push the egg right up to your cervix and practice with that band of muscle group in your Vagina. Then shift the egg to the middle part of your vagina strengthening this group of muscle then the entrance of your vagina.
Your Vagina has 3 sets of muscles in her. Isn'''t she just G L O R I O U S ?

If you don't have A Yoni Crystal Egg then using your finger is also going to give you results.
When you squat in the shower slowly insert you own finger ( Or Your beloveds !! ) and practice squeezing the three different muscle groups around your finger. This way you can get a real sense of the internal world of you Vagina.

The original Kegels exercise created by Doctor Kegel uses either a finger or metal tool inserted into the woman's vagina. To build muscle you need feedback and response which does not happen when there is nothing for your muscles to hold onto.
What doctors are calling Kegel Exercises today are not the original exercises and wont do much to build strength.

  1. D A N C E

Yes dance.
Don't wait for the weekend and that club with your favorite DJ playing to get those hips of your moving. Dance every day. Even if it is just to one song in the mornings as you are waiting for your tea, coffee or cup of cacao to brew. Play that one song loud and go for it.

Happy feminine rising l o v e r s
Dive into the universe of who you are as w o m a n.

Always with Love and so much Pleasure.

Melissa Louise.

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