Personally I have dabbled in witchcraft for awhile...mostly all by default ..but using new moon, full moon and forests for many prayers you could call spells.
was not until I discovered Sex Magik that I was truly turned on (
literally ) by fully owning my witchy-ness and began celebrating the act
of casting spells out into the universe.
Discovering Sex magik meant I could combine my love for orgasms and witchy poo magic all in one.
Hell Yes. !

And it may seem like a load of woo hoo and only for crazy people.
But believe me it is the real deal.
Anyways..even if you don't think it to be true..what is the harm of giving it a go ? Any excuse for more orgasms I say !
Magik is a powerful tool to use inside of your relationship with a
significant other if you are wanting to draw in big things like a new
home, a holiday, having a baby or changing jobs/careers.
And Sex magik is a damn powerful tool to use S O L O !
am all for mind-full masturbation and using your masturbation/self
pleasure time mindfully towards your desires is a very powerful thing.
A few months ago I used sex magik in Mexico City in the airport.
with red tape over the amount of hours my lay over was between Costa
Rica and Canada I was being told that I had to repay for all of my
luggage on my flights in order to board the second half of my flight.
I had spent over two hours negotiating with quite a few people behind desks and on phones and felt I had exhausted all avenues.
Travelling for 2 days already I was running on no sleep and had forgotten about this little piece of magic.
Touching my string of necklaces I made contact with my small rose quartz egg that is the perfect size for clitoris play.
“Of Course” I thought. There is always one more thing I can try,
Leaving my son falling in and out of sleep on top of our luggage I went off to the bathroom and got busy.
Very clear with my need to check in onto our 2nd
leg of the journey with all our pre paid luggage at no extra cost I was
also wanting to be able to check in 5 hours early so we could just get
through the gates and sleep before boarding our flight.

spending time breathing, stimulating my clitoris and praying I returned
to the customer desk where my son was now fast asleep spread eagled
over one of his suitcases.
I was greeted by a man I had not seen before wearing a diamante snake broach on his lapel.
“Miss Boord” He said
am so sorry for all of your hassles with us over the past few hours. I
will personally check all your luggage onto the flight and am happy to
do that for you now even though the check in counters for your flight
don''t open for a few more hours. Please accept my apologies for the mix
up that you have endured'
T R U E S T O R Y.
have even used sex magic to have green lights all the way down Lonsdale
Avenue in North Vancouver one day when I was extremely late for an
appointment .
used Sex Magik years ago to get myself to Havana, start a business that
allowed me to keep going there and gain a family in a city that I now
call my second home.
recently this past week I have used Sex Magik both for myself and my
Lover. Creating for both of us a few daily things that had to come to
fruition. I needed to sell my sons bike that day and the text I received
from my lover this morning confirmed a few things I had been self
pleasuring over whilst we have been a apart.
There is no denying the power of Sex Magik.
So for the big things and the little things..Sex magik is a
F U N way to manifest what you want.

F U N way to manifest what you want.

Here are 4 things about Sex magik you should know.
1. Sex magic is using your sexual energy to cast a spell.
Magik uses your sexual energy (often an orgasm) to cast a spell.
Casting a spell is just setting an intention and then performing a
ritual to bring the intention to the universe’s attention. You can cast a
spell with candles, jars, crystals and other trinkets AND also the most
fun of all , O R G A S M S!
2. Orgasms are powerful tools to harness energy.
has energy, and anyone who has experienced energetic, emotional and/or
spiritual orgasms knows that they are powerful forms of energy. Aside
from feeling good and being a hot way to connect with your partner or
more deeply with yourself, some witches believe that the sexual energy
within an orgasm can be used as a ritual to cast a spell.
3. To cast a spell, just visualize what you want as you Orgasm.
like magic, rituals, and spells can seem complicated, but performing
sex magic is easy peasy. Literally just visualize what you want while
you bring yourself to orgasm. Want to attract a new partner that fits a
certain description? Think about them. Want more money? Think about cash
while you orgasm— work less and orgasm more !

4. Masturbation may be the best time to practice sex magic.
You want to give your spell your full concentration.
a solo practice write your intention down, create a space for mindful
masturbation / self pleasure and state it out loud to God Energy / The
Universe, as you orgasm. Keep that intention on your altar or under your
pillow until it comes to fruition.
you are using sex magik whilst making love with another then both of
you need to be on the same page. Unless you don't tell them and you
silently say your intention to yourself as you orgasm.
But really...that is not as fun as it could be.
you are on the same page, then creating a little ceremony together can
be as simple as both agreeing what it is you are wanting manifest and
then whilst love making, fucking and being all juicy together keep on
thinking about your desire and bring yourselves to orgasm together at
the same time and both say it ( well groan, yell, scream and sigh it )
out loud to the universe together.
Sex magik.
You, Your Orgasm, and your Intentions.
Go forth and create baby !!
With Love & Pleasure
With Love & Pleasure
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