Saturday, 2 December 2017

There is no point growing a moustache.

So Mo-vember has passed.
But what have we really learned?
Money was raised and pharmaceutical companies are hedging their bets.
The people – 0
Big Business – 1

Tell me.. what does growing a moustache have to do with prostrate cancer?
The cancer issue is in the prostrate gland.
Not on top of your lip.
Unless you are a man of complete surrender and openness and use your lips and tongue in delicious ass play.
But this kind of trust is hard to find.

Mo-vember is akin to the damn pink ribbon we keep splashing about for breast cancer whilst we continue with social sexual shame for women, omitting to teach girls and women the importance of breast massage.
Honey, no amount of pink ribbon is going to cure your cancer, but having a positive relationship with your breasts from the moment you begin to bleed with your menstruation will.

Men where does this leave you ?

Well you guessed it.
God, the creator, spirit..who ever you believe made you, made you with an ass hole that encases access to your prostrate gland and basically your spiritual contact with god !
Don't believe me ?
You don't have to.
But over 5 000 years of Taoist tradition where men daily massaged their testicles and prostrate should do the job.
Mantak Chia , a man heading his field in sexual health through this ancient tradition has been personally told that the reason Modern Medical Doctors in the states do not perform prostrate massage for men is purely financial. It takes time for surrender, trust and pure openness. 
There s money to be made instead.

This whole moustache thing is all about your precious ass. About the illness hidden in it.
All illness or “dis-ease” is the result of stuck, unprocessed experiences and energy which needs to be released or it turns into disease, in this case, cancer.
Releasing all this stuff comes in all kinds of ways.

Daily massage and transcendent mind blowing sex are two of them.
The metaphor stands. Your ass holds onto a lot shit..both physical and emotional.
Growing a moustache ain't going to change that.
Changing your relationship and bringing new awareness to this part of our anatomy that holds and stores so much tension and tightness, will.

AS Kin Anami states, Movember is “Shove Something Up Your Ass” month! Where it is your duty to yourself, to your partner, and to the world at large, to shove something up there and loosen things up. Otherwise, that shit just weighs you down.
The “moustache.” is the secret code for “Please shove something up my ass!”
And for a new angle on the moustache image...does it not look like a pair of ass cheeks rising to the occasion ?

Yours truly.
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