Saturday, 2 December 2017

There is no point growing a moustache.

So Mo-vember has passed.
But what have we really learned?
Money was raised and pharmaceutical companies are hedging their bets.
The people – 0
Big Business – 1

Tell me.. what does growing a moustache have to do with prostrate cancer?
The cancer issue is in the prostrate gland.
Not on top of your lip.
Unless you are a man of complete surrender and openness and use your lips and tongue in delicious ass play.
But this kind of trust is hard to find.

Mo-vember is akin to the damn pink ribbon we keep splashing about for breast cancer whilst we continue with social sexual shame for women, omitting to teach girls and women the importance of breast massage.
Honey, no amount of pink ribbon is going to cure your cancer, but having a positive relationship with your breasts from the moment you begin to bleed with your menstruation will.

Men where does this leave you ?

Well you guessed it.
God, the creator, spirit..who ever you believe made you, made you with an ass hole that encases access to your prostrate gland and basically your spiritual contact with god !
Don't believe me ?
You don't have to.
But over 5 000 years of Taoist tradition where men daily massaged their testicles and prostrate should do the job.
Mantak Chia , a man heading his field in sexual health through this ancient tradition has been personally told that the reason Modern Medical Doctors in the states do not perform prostrate massage for men is purely financial. It takes time for surrender, trust and pure openness. 
There s money to be made instead.

This whole moustache thing is all about your precious ass. About the illness hidden in it.
All illness or “dis-ease” is the result of stuck, unprocessed experiences and energy which needs to be released or it turns into disease, in this case, cancer.
Releasing all this stuff comes in all kinds of ways.

Daily massage and transcendent mind blowing sex are two of them.
The metaphor stands. Your ass holds onto a lot shit..both physical and emotional.
Growing a moustache ain't going to change that.
Changing your relationship and bringing new awareness to this part of our anatomy that holds and stores so much tension and tightness, will.

AS Kin Anami states, Movember is “Shove Something Up Your Ass” month! Where it is your duty to yourself, to your partner, and to the world at large, to shove something up there and loosen things up. Otherwise, that shit just weighs you down.
The “moustache.” is the secret code for “Please shove something up my ass!”
And for a new angle on the moustache image...does it not look like a pair of ass cheeks rising to the occasion ?

Yours truly.
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Thursday, 23 November 2017

Male Genital Mutilation (MGM)

    When it comes to the human body if we didn't need it,
    we wouldn't have it.

If you believe in the grand creator or not I doubt you would find many arguing that our bodies are perfect as they are. We come into this world with everything we need.
I am a mother.
And like all mothers we will tell you the birth of our children are up there with the most monumental events of our lives. Profound, un equalled in importance and in the depths in the wells of love.

Here in the western world Mothers of daughters do not come face to face with the consideration of genital mutilation and in fact it is illegal.
But in countries where it is practiced several health and human-rights organisations, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNICEF, are acting to increase awareness of this problem, decrease cultural acceptance and encourage practitioners to abandon the practice.

The question has to be asked...

Why do so many mothers hand over their baby boys for genital mutilation, commonly known as circumcision. ?

 Firstly lets look at how we speak about it.

Language of the debate is skewed toward the pro-circumcision side. Using the term "uncircumcised" heavily leads to the belief that this is the “unnatural” state, or the exception to t­he rule. We do not often hear the words "natural," "full length" or "intact" referring to an uncircumcised penis. A boys penis is generally either circumcised or un-circumcised. This wording needs to be changed to in tact, natural, full length.

Secondly let's look at basic biology

The Foreskin.
The foreskin has up to 20 000 nerve endings in it. When sliced off this leaves exposed the head of the penis that has only around 4 000 nerve endings. A penis left in tact and in its natural state has more sensitivity than a woman's clitoris. A penis subjected to mutilation has had its sensitivity lowered by 80 %.
Fact is when a boys penis is circumcised, it loses its protective encasing and becomes desensitized over the years from its natural state. It basically obtains a certain state of numbness.

So what history lies behind MGM (male genital mutilation)?
Business, ownership and wealth with the promise of elitism.

According to the Book of Genesis in the Torah, G­od made a covenant with Abraham (a Jewish patriarch) in which Abraham and his descendants would be given great lands, riches and success, but with one catch: Abraham, his descendants and any slaves purchased or born in his household must be circumcised by the eighth day of life. Not doing so would mean that the uncircumcised male would be separate from his people and live without the favour of God. The Jews have held up their end of the deal. Rates of circumcision remain high in Jewish men: about 98 percent of American Jews are circumcised.”

The prophet Muhammad was circumcised due to traditions passed down from Abraham's son to a slave woman ( Ishmael ) whom is considered the forefather of the modern-day Arab people. Although when Muhammad's teachings were collected into the Quran there was no directive regarding circumcision you will find most Muslims circumcise their sons just because Muhammad himself was.
Today, almost two out of every three circumcised men on the planet are Muslim.

Mainly viewed as an Islamic practice religions such as Buddhism or Hinduism don't have a stance on circumcision and most Christian sects don't endorse circumcision, leaving the choice up to the family.

In fact the Catholic church has a strong moral statement on amputations, mutilations, and sterilisations. Circumcision falls under both amputation and mutilation, so it is clearly covered by this policy. Catholics generally are required to respect bodily integrity.Lack of respect for bodily integrity is viewed as a violation of the Fifth Commandment, Thou shalt not kill.

Circumcision of children for “non-medical reasons” is banned in Denmark and Sweden yet boys may consent to the procedures from the age of 12.
Stating that circumcision violates the child's right to bodily integrity, a German court ruled on June 28th 2012 it illegal for baby boys to be circumcised for religious reasons.

In Australia "Cosmetic" circumcision is banned in public hospitals in Australia, although permitted in private ones. Figures from Medicare show that circumcision incidence in Australia continues to decline and is now at the lowest rate since records were kept. Between Financial Year 2009/10 and 2015/16 the number of circumcisions of boys under 6 months of age fell from 20,246 to 14,880 – a decline of about 30%.

In 2013 the Council of Europe adopted a resolution questioning the practice of circumcising young boys and several EU member states are debating bans on religious circumcision
Whilst the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association now defines neonatal circumcision as a "non-therapeutic" surgical procedure.

Many Western jurisdictions have only recently banned the genital mutilation of girls as there was previously no history of the procedure occurring there. Increased immigration from Africa and the Middle East has forced governments to clarify existing legislation or introduce new laws explicitly banning FGM, and it is now restricted across the EU, in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States:

As stated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church at paragraph 2297 states in part:
"Except when performed for strictly therapeutic medical reasons, directly intended amputations, mutilations, and sterilizations performed on innocent persons are against the moral law.

Christians have, with very few exceptions, never practiced circumcision.
Nevertheless, secular thought introduced the practice in the modern United States, and American Christians absorbed it. Christians in other lands are often shocked to hear that some American Christians routinely circumcise their boys. They view the practice as a lack of respect for God's wise creation and a clear violation of basic medical ethics.
This leads me to ask why in my 27 years of being sexually active have I consistently found many men of christian back grounds circumcised ?
Recently when speaking with my lover here in Costa Rica he told me with pride how his mother made the decision for himself and his brother not to be circumcised as it would hinder their sensitivity during sex. I just want to hug that woman !
He also told me that he was the one that looked different amoungst his school friends growing up with most of the boys around him having had their foreskins removed as babies.

SO, Why, indeed ?

And I have heard it over and over again.

The real reason I wanted to do it was so our son wouldn't look different in the locker room when he got older”
Most American and parents choose newborn circumcision in spite of medical advice; in fact, for many it's a no-brainer. "My husband and I probably spent only 10 minutes discussing it," says one mother of Concord, Massachusetts, of their son's circumcision last year. "We didn't want our boy to look different from his dad."

Let's just pause for a moment......
Isn't this the problem we are now having in female populations of the west where girls and women are wanting to look like porn stars and having their inner and outer labia's cosmetically altered?  “So they look the same as someone else”
I mean come on guys. Would you do it to your daughter? So she had a good chance of looking like the pixelated images in porn movies?

I would go out on a limb and say NO you would not.
 Another woman, of Brooklyn, New York, when delivered her boy recently and had him circumcised,  She states. "I went to high school in Marin County, California, in the early '90s. My friend's boyfriend was uncircumcised, and it was a topic of conversation among the girls," she recalls. "But if I lived in a place where 80 percent of the boys were not circumcised, then I probably wouldn't do it.”
From about 1980 to 1999, 65 percent of infants born in the United States were circumcised; in 2005, that percentage had dropped to 56, where it has generally held steady since. Rates of circumcision vary across the regions of the United States: Three out of four Midwestern babies are circumcised, while only slightly more than half of all Southern babies are cut [source: Merrill]. Only about 21 percent of infants are circumcised in the West.

Hispanics are less likely than non-Hispanics to circumcise male children. The greater concentration of Hispanics in the West over the last 30 years is believed to be responsible for the regional decline in circumcision.

As with various patent medicines and medical beliefs of the past, circumcision was seen by some as a cure for a range of ailments, from impotence to homosexuality.
The health benefits of circumcision are overstated. Circumcision may drastically cut down on HIV and other STD infection rates, but so do safe sex practices.
Also in the past the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) said that circumcising newborn boys did have potential medical advantages, primarily related to preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs). But by 1999, the AAP had formed a task force on circumcision that decided the procedure shouldn't be routinely recommended. The task force based this policy on 40 years of studies of both circumcised and uncircumcised boys, and it concluded the following:
  • Problems with the penis, such as irritation, can occur with or without circumcision.
  • With proper care, there is no difference in hygiene.
  • There may or may not be differences in sexual sensation in adult men.
  • There is an increased risk for a UTI in uncircumcised males, especially babies under 1 year. However, the risk for a UTI is still less than 1 percent.
  • Newborn circumcision provides some protection from penile cancer, which only occurs in the foreskin. However, the risk of this cancer is very low in developed countries such as the United States.
"We also looked at whether being circumcised prevents HIV in a man's partner," says Jack Swanson, MD, a pediatrician in Ames, Iowa, and a task force member. "There may be a slight benefit to being circumcised, but the statistics were inconclusive. There weren't any medical reasons that were convincing enough for us to say that all boy babies should be circumcised," he says.

At the end of the day no major medical organization recommends circumcision. As the chief Dutch medical organization KNMG has concluded doctors should "actively and insistently inform parents who are considering the procedure of the absence of medical benefits and the danger of complications."

With all of this talk about cutting it off, it's time I shared with you what it s all about.

Uncircumcised men have stronger sexual sensations because the tip of the penis is not constantly exposed to the everyday elements; The ability of the uncircumcised penis to slide within its own sleeve provides for "nonabrasive" sexual intercourse and masturbation.
.Men lose a degree of sexual pleasure and stimulation when he foreskin is removed. Many unique nerve endings -- found only in the foreskin -- are lost forever. As mentioned above,
20 000 in fact.
The foreskin, also known as the prepuce is a complex structure with multiple anatomical and physiological functions. It is specialised tissue, composing of skin, mucosa, nerves, blood vessels, and muscle fibres.
A frenulum is found on the ventral side of the penis. The frenulum serves to tether a movable structure to a non-movable structure. The penile frenulum returns the foreskin to its normal protective forward position. Most men report that the frenulum is highly erogenous tissue.
The prepuce covers and protects the glans penis and urinary meatus. In most males, the prepuce protects the sterile urinary tract environment in infancy and maintains the moistness — beneficial to good health — of the mucosal surface of the glans penis throughout life.
Several writers have commented on the sensitivity of the prepuce. Winkelmann (1956) wrote, “…it is a region of great sensitivity and possessed of an abundant nerve supply, and later (1959) identified the prepuce as a specific erogenous zone. Falliers (1970) noted the “sensory pleasure associated with tactile stimulation of the foreskin.”
A landmark study by Sorrells et al. (2007) of the fine-touch sensitivity of the penis finds that the areas most sensitive to fine touch are on the foreskin.
The presence of the prepuce tends to protect the corona of the glans penis from direct stimulation, helps to prevent premature ejaculation and contributes to female satisfaction.

Circumcision, therefore, amputates the most sensitive areas of the penis.

And from a woman's point of view that is a damn shame.

Empowerment Through Pleasure.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

De-Armouring My Vagina

My Vaginal de-armouring experience.


The concept of body armoring began with Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), who is considered to be the father of somatic psychology. Wilhelm believed that traumatic life events, and sometimes even just intense emotions, cause us to contract or withdraw from our life experience on a deep subconscious level. This internal contraction causes a hardening of the muscular tissue in order to protect or defend. This hardening is what we refer to as "body armoring."
Any area of the body that has been physically traumatized by assault or injury can armour itself.
And incredibly so body armouring happens in response to mental and/or emotional pain—hence it showing up so prominently in our genitals.
And we don't necessary need to experience physical pain to develop armouring especially in our sacred sexual areas.

By just living in a culture that teaches us to disconnect from and fear our natural sexual desires and urges results in us not having full access to our sensations and to maximum sexual and sensual pleasure.

Armouring occurs from us being taught and believing on some deeper level that sexual pleasure is wrong.
Social beliefs that surround us daily that teach us to be ashamed, scared, intimidated, impure, sinful, dirty, or wrong in any way causes our vaginas to “collect” and take on armour in order to “protect us”

Hearing that "good girls don't...touch themselves, masturbate, have sex, enjoy sex, make a mess during sex." results in shame and harsh judgement being stored in our vaginas
And it goes with out saying that Slut-shaming—being called a tramp, a whore, a slut for having and enjoying sex, or even for being perceived as having and enjoying sex causes armouring.
Rough sex, sex before you are ready, disconnected sex, sex without enough lubrication, and even sex that is anything less than a whole-body "Hell yes!" are also factors.
As are traumatic events such as rape, abuse, and even painful breakups can and do cause genital armoring.
Armoring occurs when the energetic imprint of these traumatic or painful life experiences freeze in the nervous system and aren't released.
An internal contraction or hardening of tissue actually occurs resulting in loss of sensation in that area. Sometimes no sensation at all resulting in numbness. And often there is pain or irritation. 

My Personal Story.

For years I have been experiencing pain on and off during sex, especially on my cervix.
I also have been living with a Right hip pain that was resulting me in feeling incredibly old and frail as I would have to maneuver myself out of the bed in the mornings so as not to risk my back giving out. Just recently I was trying once again chiro-practic sessions in hope to gain some relief. And although momentarily these were working, they would not last long.

Leading up to our weekend workshops of Sacred Sexuality “Empowerment Through Pleasure” here in my home in Costa Rica, I was more than eager to receive a Yoni massage and find out for myself what I had heard would be a monumental experience.
During this time I was, and still am, processing deep grief of the very recent brutal death of my beloved. ( You can read about that here ) I was coping somewhat by running around on some kind of automatic getting through each day. I was ready to hand myself over to anything that could change the way I was feeling and all previous nerves and intrigue were pretty much mixed in well with a truck load of hope.

I had heard and was hoping for some intense pleasure and out of this world orgasmic release as something had to break through the pain I was experiencing.
But I was not prepared at all for what did happen.

Shaft Uddin my yoni massage practitioner of the moment, created a safe and sacred space. Even though at the time I was operating on automatic and in a blur most of the time I felt really present and anchored as we entered the sacred container that was completely dedicated to me and my experience.
In fact I have no idea at all how long my session lasted. But I do know it went longer than the assigned three hours.
Laying naked with body, soul and heart exposed in surrender to all possibilities is something every woman should experience ...and not just once in her life. There is something very empowering to be so “SEEN” and completely honoured in a way that is all about you. To lay and be held and touched only for you is a step in creating a container that allows incredible healing. To lay naked knowing that you are safe, to lay naked knowing that you are strongly vulnerable and to lay naked knowing that you are in control is bewitching . It is a right of passage in itself.
During my whole experience I felt heard, respected and seen.
I lay there in anticipation of immense waves of pleasure to come.
But this time, how different it was to be !
When it came the moment for Shaft to begin my internal massage there was a feeling that my whole world was about to be cracked open and I had no idea how.
The moment his fingers began massaging my internal vagina wall I was felt immense pain in places.
Tears came, and they were old old tears. Tears of years of confusion, fear, and anger.
And not just from the years I have lived in this body. But from life times.. I felt in those first few moments I was on the edge of the deep well of many of my lifetimes.
Shaft assured me he was hardly using any pressure at all I could feel shooting pain rushing through my right hip and down my leg. It felt to me like a hot rod was pressing really hard into my vagina and that something was ripping at my pelvis on the right side.
As I let the tears flow and the screams come from deep within my throat, I saw the face of my recently passed beloved looking softly into my eyes. But he was younger looking and it felt as if we were else where, in a dessert. The air seemed dryer all of a sudden. I was seeing a past life. And he was in it. 

Once I acknowledged what I was experiencing the flood gates opened. So much more pain and many images came rushing through.
As the pain increased to a point I thought I may have to pull away, I saw an image of a baby I had been carrying in this one past life with Samuel being ripped from my body as he was being held back by other men. I felt a stake or a spear violently ripping at my flesh in my Right hip where I always experienced pain and I saw our baby being taken away from us. Layers and layers of grief , and heavy heart pain rose and I could not stop crying. I screamed and screamed and saw many more images of us having to run away to be together and I could feel his gentle gentle soul caressing me through out the whole process.


As more images came flooding through my mind and many more emotions rose and fell, thousands of tears cried out of my eyes as I spent well over an hour screaming and writhing in pain, Shaft informed me that he had hardly moved around at all in my Vagina wall...we had not even reached half way . Holy shit.
I felt I had worlds inside of me and even though it hurt like hell it was also a release I could feel my body and spirit had been aching for for decades. I felt like I was changing as the hours went by.

By the time I processed more past lives and more pain and breathed out years of unconscious sexual experiences I was exhausted, but I was not drained.
I felt somewhat softer and stronger, and knew that this would take many more days to integrate.
My whole world had changed. Not through the orgasmic mind shattering bliss I had been expecting but through a healing process on steroids.
Each moment bought more clarity and more peace.
I felt I was returning to myself and finding out from the inside who I was as a woman.
And incredibly enough, my hip pain had diminished immensely.
So much so I do not experience pain in the mornings as I use to.
Creating a sacred boundary between my experience, Shaft as the facilitator and myself as whole woman, responsible for my own actions and reactions, I left this session a changed woman. Completely.
I felt stronger, more cracked open and expanded, knowing that holy shit...this was the beginning of life as I had not known before.
I could not, will not and can not be the same.
I felt as if I had passed through an incredible wave of the ocean , leaving behind the woman I was and stepping into the one more aware. I was at the beginning of a path that stretches out across the rest of my life and from now on it looked orgasmic. Oh my goodness.
I felt lighter freer and excited by all possibilities.
I remember thinking “By god women are incredible “!!
We have the universe inside of us...our own universe .. some call it the yoni-verse.
No wonder for centuries religion and a patriarchal society has been hell bent on shaming killing and denouncing women. When we as a collective , a collective of the female population, are able to take back within us our innate power of pleasure and healing through our sexuality, then our radiance becomes the sweetest of gifts to everyone around us.
This can only cause a ripple effect of healing for the planet. As we bring ourselves back to love on a personal level then the planet can only move further and further into love and peace.

It is your nature as a woman to bring yourself fully to life. To radiate. To create , To penetrate life.
To be woman is actually equivalent to the universal power. The nature of the feminine is to be powerfull, to create, to manifest.

Every single part of you is SACRED and worthy of love and acceptance.

To de-armour yourself, your sacred self, is to inadvertently to de-armour the planet..

One vagina at a time.


Friday, 12 May 2017

Sacred Pleasure Journey

Empowerment Through Pleasure

Sacred Pleasure Journey
1/7/17 – 20/7/17

Congratulations on choosing YOU and your Pleasure.
Your Radiance as a woman is your biggest gift to the world.
In this three week journey you will be supported, guided and celebrated in your pleasure.
Once you have paid by clicking the link  Yes To my Pleasure 
you will be receiving an email from me with getting ready details and links to join our private support face book page.

Thank you for choosing this Journey and I am so looking forward to being with you as we explore our sensual pleasurable selves and all that may contain.

Many Blessings, Love and Pleasure.
Pay now here..Yes To my Pleasure 

Friday, 5 May 2017

Your Kiss

The breath of your death caress s my lips in their fullness.
Large and African.
Tender with care.
Timidness mixed with the sweet smell of rum.
The harsh lick of tobacco and the whisper of want.
Words do not cross between the two...
...... between the realm of being here and time lost.
Time we thought we had, Time we thought was a given.

Taken by the blows of others in a street on cement.
Our time taken by the fear of humanity against fear itself.
What still remains in the ashes of my grief is the kiss you left on my lips.
as you squeezed my hand and pulled my hair...
this kiss
...that pierced my skin,
this last kiss that bleeds tears from the eyes that search for you
....... still.

My Love.
La Havana
died 22/03/2017 

Crowd Funder details to fix the Ceiling of his parents house .

My Moon Time  Ritual.
Sacred Ceremony.


I have always dreamt of the Red Tent.
As a young girl I yearned for it but was also intimidated by it.
Inside of me I could feel the reverence for bleeding each month. I felt its power, it's sacredness and gift, but all around me was an under lying current of hatred and shame around women bleeding every month.
Names such as “Rags” and “Thingy” and lines used such as “it's that time of the month” with eyes rolling upwards and sighs to be heard each time man or woman spoke of Menstruation.

My monthly bleed was presented to me by my culture as something that was to be hidden, that others had to put up with and it was smelly and dirty and a complete annoyance.
I had no ceremony held for me, no women's circle to hold me nor an avenue to find out about the sacredness of it all.

Thirty years on I have now made a commitment to myself that each time I bleed I will enter my own red tent.

Inspired by a girlfriend of mine whom has actually just spent a whole month, from one bleed to the next in private ceremony, I committed to myself to be at home and do only what I wanted to do and rest the whole time I was bleeding.
Much preferring the term “moon time” I cocooned myself into my own world where I meditated and listened to my body the whole two days I bled.

Being home in stillness during this time also meant I could indulge in many rituals that have been simmering in my being for a long time now, waiting for this moment to arrive !!

I fully embodied my wild witch-y-ness and set out to re-Wild my WomBan.
I drank my first flow of blood. I ceremoniously give thanks to her as I felt her power re enter my body.
I have to admit I felt like I should have howled up to the sky and beat my chest. But I did not.

After drinking this first flow, I sat in meditation just to be. No agenda, no needing to find answers, just to sit .
I heard that familiar sound of the hummingbird wings.
She was inside of my room.
She came in just as I sat and breathed.
Oh how I welcomed her in.

It is said that Hummingbird brings love as no other medicine can.
It is said that if you take notice of her medicine you will experience a renewal of the magic of living.
Hummingbird is loved by the flowers and plants, for as it sucks the nectar from the flower, the plant reproduces and more of its kind are created.
Hummingbird lives on nectar and searches for the sweetness of life. It's purpose is to pollinate the flowers of the world.

I took her message with the nectar of my blood.
My innate knowing of my nectar that comes with in me.

I spent the next two days ONLY peeing, bleeding and releasing all bodily nations back into mother earth.
I would go into the jungle and squat and release anything that needed to flow, returning to the land I walked on.
In essence I placed a ring of fire around my house.
This in itself is STRONG witch-y-poo magik.
Placing intentions and protection around my house where I reside
Claiming my space of living.

Months ago I started to place my blood beneath the Mango tree by our house that had not bore fruit in years. This season it is FULL of ripening fruits !!!

As my bleed was coming to an end, I would wipe the trickles of the blood off of my inner thighs and then lick my fingers. Oh how my WILD WomBan was in full force.

Then came down the pouring rains on that last night. The quissential tropical downpour that makes everyone and everything stop in its tracks.
I Stood out in the heavy downpour watching the lightning light up the sky in its pinks yellows and hues of blue.
I stood with my legs spread and allowed any last drops of my blood offering to be washed into the land I stood on.

Tow days on from this self appointed ceremony I see so much of what we do as women that does not serve us and therfore does not serve those around us nor the planet at large.
Having taken the time to rest, go inward and honour myself in my FULL womBaness I am not so overwhelmed entering back into the masculine part of my life of work and getting BUZIness done.
I feel grounded and strong. Not behind nor stressed.
I am also experiencing more flow in my life and feel more open to the miracles that are happening.
As I gave to my most sacred time, I am more open to the receiving of my universal gifts.

During this time I also gave my commitment to ease. This meant my son ate pancakes for 2 days because I just said yes. We laughed more than we have in a long time and enjoyed each others company. I relinquished motherly control, so pancakes it was.
And as I listened to my body by resting and staying inward, my body did not crave anything in order to cover any unrespected needs. No cravings for sweetness nor food actually. On my first day I only drank teas. Nuturing spice filled teas with ingredients I picked from the jungle as I wandered around naked amoungst the green offering my blood back to plant that I took from.
Oh WomBan ReWIld.
I am so happy to feel you again. To know you . To meet you. To embody you.
I am so happy to have spent two days in a complete dream like state.
My innate state of the dreamy feminine.
Manifesting and dreaming up what we want in our family and what I want to bring into my life.

The feminine power is buried with in all of us..”the one who knows” as Dr. Clairssa Pinkola Estes calls her...... our deepest sources of creativity and understanding lie out of sight in darkness, in the unconscious. We must learn how to perceive “ through the eyes of the ego”.
The dual way of seeing, being and acting.

We must learn to see in the dark to mine the raw gems of mystery, dreams, sudden knowings, and the shadows of power as individuals in society.

When we honour our moon time and become more still and silent. We access the depths that lay within ourselves that hold the keys to our innate nature of wisdom.
A woman's Power is within her own self, not with in what she can prove in a masculine driven world.

The woman's world is her own.

Her intuition, her creation, her Magik.