My Moon
Time Ritual.
I have always dreamt of the
Red Tent.
As a young girl I yearned
for it but was also intimidated by it.
Inside of me I could feel
the reverence for bleeding each month. I felt its power, it's
sacredness and gift, but all around me was an under lying current of
hatred and shame around women bleeding every month.
Names such as “Rags” and
“Thingy” and lines used such as “it's that time of the month”
with eyes rolling upwards and sighs to be heard each time man or
woman spoke of Menstruation.
My monthly bleed was
presented to me by my culture as something that was to be hidden,
that others had to put up with and it was smelly and dirty and a
complete annoyance.
I had no ceremony held for
me, no women's circle to hold me nor an avenue to find out about the
sacredness of it all.
Thirty years on I have now
made a commitment to myself that each time I bleed I will enter my
own red tent.
Inspired by a girlfriend of
mine whom has actually just spent a whole month, from one bleed to
the next in private ceremony, I committed to myself to be at home and
do only what I wanted to do and rest the whole time I was bleeding.
Much preferring the term
“moon time” I cocooned myself into my own world where I meditated
and listened to my body the whole two days I bled.
Being home in stillness
during this time also meant I could indulge in many rituals that have
been simmering in my being for a long time now, waiting for this
moment to arrive !!
I fully embodied my wild
witch-y-ness and set out to re-Wild my WomBan.
I drank my first flow of
blood. I ceremoniously give thanks to her as I felt her power re
enter my body.
I have to admit I felt like
I should have howled up to the sky and beat my chest. But I did not.
After drinking this first
flow, I sat in meditation just to be. No agenda, no needing to find
answers, just to sit .
I heard that familiar sound
of the hummingbird wings.
She was inside of my room.
She came in just as I sat
and breathed.
Oh how I welcomed her in.
It is said that Hummingbird
brings love as no other medicine can.
It is said that if you take
notice of her medicine you will experience a renewal of the magic of
Hummingbird is loved by the
flowers and plants, for as it sucks the nectar from the flower, the
plant reproduces and more of its kind are created.
Hummingbird lives on nectar
and searches for the sweetness of life. It's purpose is to pollinate
the flowers of the world.
I took her message with the
nectar of my blood.
My innate knowing of my
nectar that comes with in me.
I spent the next two days
ONLY peeing, bleeding and releasing all bodily nations back into
mother earth.
I would go into the jungle
and squat and release anything that needed to flow, returning to the
land I walked on.
In essence I placed a ring
of fire around my house.
This in itself is STRONG
witch-y-poo magik.
Placing intentions and
protection around my house where I reside
Claiming my space of living.
Months ago I started to
place my blood beneath the Mango tree by our house that had not bore
fruit in years. This season it is FULL of ripening fruits !!!
As my bleed was coming to an
end, I would wipe the trickles of the blood off of my inner thighs
and then lick my fingers. Oh how my WILD WomBan was in full force.
Then came down the pouring
rains on that last night. The quissential tropical downpour that
makes everyone and everything stop in its tracks.
I Stood out in the heavy
downpour watching the lightning light up the sky in its pinks yellows
and hues of blue.
I stood with my legs spread
and allowed any last drops of my blood offering to be washed into the
land I stood on.
Tow days on from this self
appointed ceremony I see so much of what we do as women that does not
serve us and therfore does not serve those around us nor the planet at
Having taken the time to
rest, go inward and honour myself in my FULL womBaness I am not so
overwhelmed entering back into the masculine part of my life of work
and getting BUZIness done.
I feel grounded and strong.
Not behind nor stressed.
I am also experiencing more
flow in my life and feel more open to the miracles that are
As I gave to my most sacred
time, I am more open to the receiving of my universal gifts.
During this time I also gave
my commitment to ease. This meant my son ate pancakes for 2 days
because I just said yes. We laughed more than we have in a long time
and enjoyed each others company. I relinquished motherly control, so
pancakes it was.
And as I listened to my body
by resting and staying inward, my body did not crave anything in
order to cover any unrespected needs. No cravings for sweetness nor
food actually. On my first day I only drank teas. Nuturing spice
filled teas with ingredients I picked from the jungle as I wandered
around naked amoungst the green offering my blood back to plant that
I took from.
Oh WomBan ReWIld.
I am so happy to feel you
again. To know you . To meet you. To embody you.
I am so happy to have spent
two days in a complete dream like state.
My innate state of the dreamy
Manifesting and dreaming up
what we want in our family and what I want to bring into my life.
The feminine power is buried
with in all of us..”the one who knows” as Dr. Clairssa Pinkola
Estes calls her...... our deepest sources of creativity and
understanding lie out of sight in darkness, in the unconscious. We
must learn how to perceive “ through the eyes of the ego”.
The dual way of seeing,
being and acting.
We must learn to see in the
dark to mine the raw gems of mystery, dreams, sudden knowings, and
the shadows of power as individuals in society.
When we honour our moon time
and become more still and silent. We access the depths that lay
within ourselves that hold the keys to our innate nature of wisdom.
A woman's Power is within her
own self, not with in what she can prove in a masculine driven
The woman's world is her own.
Her intuition, her creation,
her Magik.