Sunday, 19 June 2016

Jack Fruit IceCream ... straight from the tree

Vegan Ice Cream...... straight from the tree.

Jack Fruit (my new love )

I served some of my ice cream to a guest the other day, and he said   “oh.  It is just like a frozen smoothie.”

Well yes......
Mainly because in our family we can't be bothered putting it into small cups, placing a paddle pop stick in it and returning it to the freezer.

At this time of year here in Costa Rica, food foraging makes for one of the most delicious and sensuous Vegan ice creams I know.

Jack fruit, banana and ginger ice cream, sorbet,  or as some say a bowl of frozen smoothie.
What ever you want to call it. It is delicious and can be eaten for breakfast lunch or dinner.
Now that is my kind of ice cream .

If you live in the jungle as we do, then there is good chance that you will have a supply of frozen bananas that never seem to end in your freezer all ready. Bananas grow like hot cakes down here and supply us with year round sweetness and on the go snacks.

I have been patiently waiting for the jack fruit to be ready that is growing and swelling in twos just down from my house.
As it is not quite ready I snuffled some sweet orange flesh from a neighbour of mine for this ice cream.

Then I dug up some ginger, washed off the "terra firma" peeled away the skin and blended some fresh pieces with the two fruits.

To make it extra creamy I used both fresh and frozen bananas, about 4 in total.
A very large handful of jack fruit and about 3 pieces of ginger the size of my thumb nail.
Very precise measurements as you can see.

Blend together, throw on a few leaves of mint and try to eat it slowly !!
Or before the kitten gets to it first.

And always eat with passion and delight.

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